
Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Alternative to Grid-Style Multi-Boxes in Ajax

I quite like the "grid style" format for multi-boxes.  In a limited width, I think that it is a better format for the drop-downs because you get the full width of the control rather than the truncated width of just the drop-down part in the standard view.

A problem for me is that "grid style" does not render at all in Ajax (I can't understand why!)

I picked up an interesting tip yesterday from QlikView's Kenneth Lewis.  How about using a Container control with multiple list boxes?  I thought about it and then tried it out.  I think that it works quite nicely.  By adding several list boxes and then setting the Appearance property of the Container to "dropdown at top", I get a result that works in both QV and Ajax.

It is not a perfect replacement for the grid-style multibox but, in some ways, it is better.  I like the fact that you have the list box icons available and it is easier to see the Green/White/Grey.

Have a play with it and see what you think.

Stephen Redmond is CTO of CapricornVentis a QlikView Elite Partner

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